The city of Munich has a long tradition of large-scale architectural forms. In addition to churches and castles, these are primarily infrastructures, for example the combined heat and power plants in the north and south of the city. In addition, Munich is home to large-scale urban forms dedicated to housing: Directly perceptible along the river space, such as the Arabella high-rise, or as an abstract promise of an urban concept, such as the residential ring in Neuperlach. Currently, the tall building is at the forefront of the housing debate. Too little attention is paid to the large form as a functionally integrative type in urban development. Why is that? The phenomenon of the large has always inspired visionary and forward-looking designs and theories.
Is there a need for a theory of the large form in the city?
What is the relationship between size and monumentality?
What role do communities of uses and users play?
What impulses can the large form provide for urban development?
TUM Chair of Urban and Regional Planning
Caro Baumann and Johannes Schele (morePlatz Architekten, Berlin)
Ingrid Dreer (Bayerische Hausbau)
Florian Fischer (Almannai Fischer Architects, Munich)
Michael Hardi (Gewofag, Munich)
Prof. Dr.(I) Elisabeth Merk (City Planning Councillor, City of Munich)
Erika Mühlthaler (Architect, Munich)
Dr. Julian Müller (Sociologist, LMU Munich)
Mathias Müller (EM2N Architects, Zurich)
Prof. Dr. Andreas Putz (TUM)
Prof. Peter Scheller (TUM)
Heiner Stengel (TUM)
Wulf Böer (ETH Zurich)
Emilie Andreassen, Philipp Brodbeck, Marco Bross, Susanne Dreyer, Jennifer Hein, Zachery Keiser, Anna List, Ilaria Manetta, Maria Domenech Mataix, Sara Monaco, Miles Mruck, Felyncia Ng, Eva Schankula, Regina Schwarz, Marusa Turnsek, Maria Verdu Gimenez
10:00 Vorhoelzer Forum
Introduction Prof. Peter Scheller
10:30 Vorhoelzer Forum
Large Form as Phenomenon
Mathias Müller, Julian Müller, Andreas Putz
12:00 Arabellahaus (requested)
Large Form and Collective
Ingrid Dreer, Caro Baumann, Florian Fischer
14:30 HKW South
Large Form and Monumentality
Wulf Boer, Peter Scheller, Erika Mühlthaler
16:30 Vorhoelzer Forum
Large-scale form in urban space
Johannes Schele, Michael Hardi, Elisabeth Merk (?)
Closing discussion
Michael Hardi, Elisabeth Merk , Julian Müller, Johannes Scheele, Peter Scheller